What you ACTUALLY need to know about the N Sale
Started in 1955, this sale was the first of its kind to offer preseason fall fashions at a discount, before raising their prices after the sale. It was a way to drum up business in the dog days of summer- a historically slow time for most fashion retailers. The sale...
10 Things I Learned at FIDM
A few years in fashion school will teach you plenty about how chaotic fashion shows really are, how to drape a corset and that nifty sewing hack for sewing chiffon together with a toilet seat cover. It taught me a lot of other great lessons too of course, which I hope...
The Problem with Coral Jewelry
When associating a gemstone to the sea, an easy choice would be aquamarine. The name itself is an ode to the ocean- “aqua” meaning water, and “marine” meaning of the sea. The truth is that aquamarine is found far from the sea- it is mainly sourced in Africa in places...
The Signs as Jewelry
Who doesn’t love a good list of the signs and what inanimate object they would be?? After doing one for Houseplant Shop, I couldn’t help myself and made a jewelry related list too! Scroll all the way down to yours and see if it makes any sense (or check your crush’s...