Chouette: [Pronounced shweht] Exclamation when one learns of something pleasing. Charming, fun, chic. Origin, French

My 10 Fashion Resolutions for 2020
Let’s hit the ground running. 2020 is going to be a new year, a new decade, and a new roaring twenties just waiting to be dolled up and taken out for a night on the town. It’s time to shine and I’ve got 10 New Years fashion resolutions I’m taking on, and...

What I Wore to Brunch: Food and Fashion Pairings
Our second installation of "What I Wore to Dinner" is here and this time, we're off to brunch! This week, some friends and I headed to El Mercado Modern Cuisine in Santa Ana for a fresh take on Mexican food. It's located near the downtown area, near tons...

My Plus Size Holiday Dress Guide
On November 1st I walked into the mall, stomach still full of Halloween Kit Kats we were supposed to pass out to trick or treaters the night before, and there it was. The interior had been decked with trees, garland, and lights, and transformed into a...

The Desert is Calling, and I Must Go
There’s something about the desert that is captivating; something magical that I can’t quite put my finger on. It is vast, silent, dangerous. Driving through rolling mountains of dust and cacti, rock and brush, it calls to us time and again. I think of the...

What I Wore to Dinner: Food and Fashion Pairings
I’m so excited to bring you the first ever recurring column to the blog, and to start it all off we’re going to The Recess Room in Fountain Valley, CA! It was where my wife and I met up with our friends Jessica and Vanessa to “research,” and we were met...

Dressing for Family Photo Shoots
It’s fall, y’all. Which means that here in Southern California, it’s 85 degrees outside. But still, Starbucks has starting slanging pumpkin spice lattes, Spirit Halloween stores have started cropping up in empty strip malls, and school is officially back...

What I Learned at Curvy Con
Last weekend, I descended on New York City like the rest of the fashion world for a look at what’s new. Instead of trying to sneak into a show at Bryant Park, or vying to work backstage like in my college days, I booked a ticket to the Curvy Con, powered...

The California Spot Most Tourists Miss
When most folks think of California, they think of stars laid into the pavement on Hollywood Boulevard. They think of palm trees and movie stars, of Disneyland and In and Out Burger. They might think of the Golden Gate Bridge, or the winding hillside on Lombard...

Why We Should Ditch Forever 21, Forever
This week, the internet has been on fire over a Forever 21 controversy. The fast fashion company had been including samples of diet bars inside their plus size customer’s online orders. Not only is this wildly inappropriate, it’s tacky and preys on the insecurities of...

5 Things to Remember in the Fitting Room
I am in and out of fitting rooms nearly every day. I shop for a living, and I often try on clothes purely for research so I can make better recommendations for my clients. You'd think after years of this work, the fitting room would be a less daunting place. In my...