Chouette: [Pronounced shweht] Exclamation when one learns of something pleasing. Charming, fun, chic. Origin, French

The Best Pinterest Cocktail Recipes
It's probably 9:30 at night, and I'm winding down rewatching "The Office" on Netflix, passively scrolling through Pinterest and pinning items that look beautiful, but that I might never actually make it around to trying. Sound familiar? With summer festivities around...

The 5 Summer Jewelry Trends You Should Try
The quickest and easiest way to update your wardrobe without overhauling your entire closet is to update your jewelry. No one wants to wait for their special someone to gift them a piece of jewelry for Christmas or their birthday, and honestly, who has the time to...

The Best Brands to Shop with your BFF
You're 14 years old. You have a small window of freedom when your mom says she'll drop you and your friends off at the mall. There isn't much of an internet- and certainly no smart phones. You agree to meet her back at the...

Does At Home Teeth Whitening Actually Work?
I already drank coffee when I lived in Southern California, but moving to the gloomy gray Pacific Northwest, my coffee consumption has increased exponentially. I go through about 2 cups each morning, and some afternoons I'll grab an iced coffee. Throw in a glass of...

The Oregon Road Trip You Need to Plan Right Now
So swinging a trip to India was the chance of a lifetime, and I am so glad we took it. However, sometimes it's fun to explore your own backyard, and have a getaway that costs less time, effort and money to get to. So when Marine and I were invited to a weekend at the...

Incredible, Sometimes Inedible, India
After the Big Fat Indian Wedding, we were off to do the "Golden Triangle tour" of Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. Our friend, Neha (the bride!), recommended a travel agent who helped us put together all of our lodging, transport and itineraries. Normally, Marine and I are...

A Big Fat Indian Wedding
Our friend, Jason took this amazing shot of all our hands during the Mehendi The henna is fading off the palms of my hands, and the jet lag still has me going in and out of bouts of energy and grogginess. My suitcase is still packed with our espadrilles, saffron, and...

Why I’m Ditching Salons
And Most Traditional Barber Shops, Too Everyone has advice for big moves. If you're changing state lines, you'll have to adjust to law changes, sales tax (or lack thereof!), and a new and unique culture of wherever you're headed. When we moved to Oregon,...

You Might Be Ruining Your Jeans
Laundry isn't a class you take in high school, and if it weren't for my textile science classes in college, I would never have had formal laundry classes either! It's no wonder that I encounter a lot of customers who don't know basic care and keeping of their jeans....

Holiday Gift Guide
Tis the season to fight with my wife over why eggnog really doesn't suck and try to wrestle the cat off the tree so she doesn't electrocute herself! It's a season of merriment, extended mall hours, and ordering pizza when you burn the turkey. So many great Holiday...